CAR X MOTOR ( is a small site that discusses and publishes a variety of information related to the automotive world, especially for four-wheel drive or car daily and is equipped with a variety of dance reviews from images, video to a number of activities Auto Show coverage. We guarantee that all the information we write and publish on this site we make sure we have a unique and written very thoughtful. Although we know that almost all the sites that publish information identical automotive news, however, does not mean all are the same.
In building this site, we are not helped by any automaker, and we are not affiliated with or working with them. This site is purely a site developed to provide information in the form of news or content that we publish. And it is certain that, any news or information about the car or auto review we publish on this site are pure and do not give support to any manufacturer or car.
If you want or have any questions, tips or criticism to us, please feel free to contact us via e-mail that has been written on the contact page. We are pleased to accept constructive criticism from you.
CARXMOTOR to publish information or news everyday use several authors. Reviewing information that focuses on the automotive world and everything that is there, and the following is the author’s profile to our site: in here.