Car x Motor

Ford unveils their Fusion Hybrid Automated Research Vehicle

Uses LiDAR to create a 3D map of the surrounding environment.

By on Dec 14, 2013 | 11:23 AM
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Ford Fusion Hybrid Automated Research VehicleFord Fusion Hybrid Automated Research VehicleFord Fusion Hybrid Automated Research VehicleFord Fusion Hybrid Automated Research Vehicle

The Ford officially revealed the Fusion Hybrid Automated Research Vehicle.

The vehicle was developed jointly with State Farm and the University of Michigan. It is a prototype that will be used to test current and future systems and driver assistance technologies. The Ford states that its purpose is to “move the development of new technologies with its partners to ensure that these systems be implemented in next generation vehicles of the brand.”

The company did not provide a lot more information. He confirmed, however, that the Fusion HARV uses four LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors that scan the road 2.5 million times per second. The sensors send UV light beam of 61 meters and from the information gathering system creates a three-dimensional map of the environment. Through this map “guided” the vehicle so as not to bump into something.

The Executive Chairman of Ford, Bill Ford said:

The Ford Fusion Hybrid Automated Vehicle represents a vital step towards our vision for the future of mobility. We see a future of connected cars that communicate with each other and with the world around them to make driving safer, less congestion and environmentally sustainable. By doing so, Ford will have a greater influence over the next 100 years it was the first 100 years.

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