Car x Motor

Ambulance ride to wealthiest Russians dodge jams

By on Apr 3, 2013 | 2:21 PM

That Moscow traffic is crazy in certain neighborhoods is something you probably already know. But we had not heard so far is the move by some “haves” to avoid traffic problems of the Russian capital.

And, as counted in National Post, the Russian police detected a services company “Taxi” disguised ambulance. The idea is simple: the client, for 6,000 rubles per hour (about €160), you can use an ambulance with sirens blaring to break through Moscow and reach your destination without having to face traffic jams. Inside these ambulances would be equipped with a proper finish a limousine, with comfortable leather seats.

Now are researching how many would be in operation to date, but the fact that it exists only on the Internet offering (the newspaper’s account, but not we have found) and left us stunned.

Related Items: ambulance russia

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