Car x Motor

The Ram 1500 with quality problems due to a covert protest

By on Mar 2, 2013 | 2:38 PM
The Ram 1500

Apparently Chrysler has some difficulties in his pick-up Ram 1500 into production successfully. According to an article in the Detroit News, only 16 of the 58 pick-ups made ​​the first hour in the Warren factory have passed the final inspection. The rest were not worthy of going on sale.

It is true that throughout the day, the quality was better, but still, only half of the cars made ​​on Thursday were able to go on sale. According to the article, all due to the restructuring of working time operated there. Now, operators must work three 10-hour shifts four days a week. Logically, there are shifts that fall on Sunday or overnight. Some employees unhappy with the new organization of shifts thus protest against new os shifts. According to the company, “the quality indicators of the factory are being progressively better”.

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