Car x Motor

Audi replaced brakes

By on Jan 21, 2013 | 6:37 PM
Audi RS3

Audi has heard the complaints of the customers and changes in sport model RS 3 on request from the brake system. The owners of the cars had complained of poor braking performance in the wet, loud squeak and judder.

Are affected, according to Audi in Germany around 2000 vehicles of model years 2011 to 2013 from the Produtionszeitraum August 2010 to July 2012. Worldwide about 4500 cars have the defect.

Audi corrected this with a software update of the disc wiping function, which improves the wet braking performance. In addition, the ventilation of the brakes by installing a pinhole in the bumper for better cooling would be optimized. The service action takes approximately two hours to complete.

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